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Hair Transplantation Basics

Understanding Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation involves surgically relocating hair follicles from a donor area (typically the back of the scalp) to areas experiencing baldness or thinning, known as the recipient site. This procedure can restore hair on the scalp, beard, eyebrows, eyelashes, pubic region, and chest, and can also fill in scars from previous surgeries or accidents.

Modern techniques ensure natural-looking results when performed by experienced surgeons, mimicking the natural growth pattern of hair.

Hair transplants provide permanent hair growth in treated areas, with characteristics matching those of the donor hair. However, it's important to note that while transplanted hair will have a good lifespan, natural hair may still be lost due to hormonal factors.

It's crucial to understand that hair transplantation doesn't prevent future hair loss, especially in cases of ongoing hair loss. Patients may need to consider post-surgery medication to prevent further hair loss.

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Purely with the purpose of providing top notch services with no compromises in quality.

For hair transplantation to be successful, surgical techniques must be used. Depending on the type of procedure, the cost of transplanting hair follicles from donor sites varies.
Results of Hair Transplant | Rupam Clinic Result
Results of Hair Transplant | Rupam Clinic Result
Results of Hair Transplant | Rupam Clinic Result
Results of Hair Transplant | Rupam Clinic Result
Results of Hair Transplant | Rupam Clinic Result
Results of Hair Transplant | Rupam Clinic Result
Results of Hair Transplant | Rupam Clinic Result
Results of Hair Transplant | Rupam Clinic Result

Timeline of Results

Usually, patients feel a minimum or no pain and can be able to do work the next day. The transplanted hair can be groomed within 6 months of the procedure and combed as per your fashion. Hair Transplantation is a process of sharing out donor’s hairs from the back of the head to the recipient balding area through surgery.

Results of Hair Transplantation depend on the amount of donor hair available. After the completion of the surgery, the results should take shape within the next couple of months. This time chart illustrates after the surgery how the growing cycle of the newly transplanted hair occurs.

Due to the doctor's expertise and the clinic's location, there are fewer scars and quicker recovery times after FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). Patients should consider possible side effects and consult with specialists to determine the best approach. Treatment like PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and GFC (Growth Factor Concentrate) can enhance results. To make an informed decision, you should evaluate clinic reputations, doctors' expertise, and cost structures in detail.

Stages of Hair Transplant: Rupam Clinic
Timeline of Results
Sl. Time Results
01 24 Hours After Bandages can go off. Probably Soreness felt at the donor area.
02 One Week After Disappearance of Tiny scabs on graft area occurs.
03 15 days - One Month After Transplanted hair will move out of formation.
04 4-6 Months After New hair growth will start.
05 6-8 Months After Transplanted hair starts growing and become thick.
06 One Year and After Final appearance of hair transplant procedure is usually shown.
Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Techniques

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

FUT, also known as strip harvesting, involves surgically removing a strip of scalp from the donor area, usually at the back of the head. The strip is then dissected into individual follicular units and transplanted into the recipient area. This method is effective for covering larger areas of baldness.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE is a minimally invasive hair transplant technique where individual hair follicles are harvested from the donor area using a small punch tool. These follicles are then transplanted into the recipient area. FUE leaves tiny scars and allows for quicker recovery compared to FUT, making it suitable for smaller transplant sessions.

Grafting of Hair Follicles

During this process, hair follicles are carefully extracted from the donor area and prepared for transplantation. The recipient area is then meticulously planned, and incisions are made for the follicles to be implanted. This technique ensures natural-looking results by mimicking the natural hair growth pattern and density.

Factors Affecting Hair Fall and Hair Damage

  • Chemical treatments and hair products
  • Poor diet and nutrition
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Genetics and hereditary factors
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Environmental pollution
  • Overuse of heat styling tools
  • Medical conditions and medications
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Rupam Clinic - Doctor | Dr. Jagat Narayan
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At Rupam Clinic, we specialize in comprehensive care for skin and hair concerns, earning trust through expertise and action.

Best Hair Transplant Treatment Clinic

Experience advanced hair restoration at Rupam Clinic, where skilled professionals use cutting-edge techniques for natural-looking results.


Natural Looks
Natural Looks
Continuous Growth
Continuous Growth
Hassle Free Care
Hassle Free Care
After all its your Own Hair!!!
After all its your Own Hair!!!

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Our team of highly qualified and experienced professionals from all over the world.

Dr. Jagat Narayan | Rupam Clinic - doctor
Dr. Jagat Narayan
 Anindita Mohapatra | Rupam Clinic - Consultant
Anindita Mohapatra

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Frequently Asked Questions

Uncover the answers to your beauty queries and discover why our clinic is the go-to destination for skin and hair transformations!

The most recent technique in hair transplantation is percutaneous follicular unit extraction (FUE). This technique utilizes a specialized circular needle, improving the clarity of both extraction and implantation, which leads to a more natural hair look and reduces the risk of scalp trauma.

These are specific things that should be avoided during these days, as they may cause difficulty post-hair transplants, such as drinking, smoking, high-pressure exercise, and swimming.

FUE is productive in hair restoration, giving the natural-looking effects of any hair restoration approach. FUE allows individuals to wear their hair in any manner without leaving a long scar.

  • Experienced Hair Transplant Doctor
  • Advanced Treatment Process
  • Individualized care

A hair transplant includes extracting healthy hair follicles from the back or side of the patient's head, beard, or chest and transplanting them to the balding parts of the head. Transplanted hair is genetically resistant to balding. If the transplant is done properly, the new hair will last for a long time.

Rupam Clinic provides hair transplants at an affordable price. For the total cost of a hair treatment, you can contact us. We will give you more details about the charges at our clinic.

Yes, hair transplantation is a permanent treatment method for hair loss. The transplanted hair grows naturally and stays in place for life. With careful maintenance, the advantage of a hair transplant can last for a long time.

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