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Anti Ageing Treatment Clinic for Dull Skin, Age Spots Reduction, Bhubaneswar

Anti Ageing peel treatment In Bhubaneswar

A dull and patchy skin indicates ageing, and it is a skin issue that needs to be addressed in a timely manner. A healthy, younger-looking age is everyone's wishlist. Smooth and radiant skin you can get by opting for anti-ageing treatment. Younger-looking skin can be getable by anti-ageing treatment, which quickly generates so that new skin cells develop and old cells are damaged.

However, as we grow older, our skin cells also get affected by outside pollution, and constant sun exposure that damages the skin looks ugly and non-appealing. These are the signs of ageing and require treating effectively with chemical peels. They improve the appearance of ageing skin by using a chemical solution to remove the outer layer of the skin. The new skin development is a clear indication of smoother and glowing skin.

Causes of Ageing 

Chemical peel is a renowned and effective technique used for aesthetic treatment. These chemical peels are peeled off once the chemicals dry, which helps to rejuvenate skin and reduce ageing. The chemical solution in chemical peeling can be applied to your face, neck or hands.

Treatments of Ageing  

The chemical peel treatment is largely effective and does not require patients to stay overnight. The person who is administering the treatment will first clean the skin and carry on the proceedings to apply gently, which allows new cells to take their place. The proceedings for your skin wellness usually start with the face, neck and hands. Chemical peel can be an effective skin treatment for the following benefits

Fine lines around the mouth and under the eyes

To remove fine lines and dark spots in your face, chemical peels are very effective and advisable. The treatment is used to soften the skin's fine lines. Chemical peels are also quite effective in addressing the damage done to the tone and texture of the skin.


Wrinkles can be reduced with chemical peel treatment where old and damaged skin cells are removed to give your skin a fairly decent look. Younger-looking skin can be rendered following this skin treatment.

Age spots

Different types of skin have different skin blemishes that can hamper their progress. Well, to get rid of this situation, treating age spots using chemical peels is a great option. Sunspots can be removed with this type of skin treatment, resulting in glowing and rejuvenated skin enhancement.

Sun damage

Excessive exposure to the sun badly affects the skin as it might have dark patches and an ageing process. A TCA peel is a handful to treat sun damage and change the dynamics of a dull and wrinkled face.

Reasons to choose Rupam clinic

Rupam Clinic is a kind, bespoke, and established skin treatment provider with the highest rated services and benchmark of higher reputation as a complete skin treatment and services in Bhubaneswar. We have a dedicated and professional team of skin specialists and doctors who dedicated their time to helping people find the best younger-looking skin post-treatment. Our seasoned therapists deliver outstanding skin results backed by successful therapy sessions and effective skin assurance.

Is a chemical peel good for all skin types?

Chemical peels can improve the skin texture and appearance. In this treatment, a chemical solution is peeled off to the skin and harnesses the smoother skin development. Chemical peels can be done on the face, hands, and neck portion to give optimum relief and a less troublesome experience.

  • Reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth

  • Treat wrinkles that are caused by sun exposure and tanning skin

  • Improve the appearance of mild scares

  • Treat certain types of acne

  • Reduce age spots, dark patches (Melasma)

  • Improve the look and rejuvenate skin


Chemical peels are more than effective and recommended by skin doctors and dermatologists. Overexposure to the sun tends to affect the skin and a chemical peel is just the right option to remove skin blemishes successfully.

Superficial peels or mild chemical peels are effective and a way to treat ageing. These peels not only reduce the dark lines and wrinkles but also help lighten the dark under the eyes.

Having a chemical peel is a relatively safe procedure if it is practiced by competent and qualified practitioners. Check the person who is doing the treatment and evaluate set standards in training, skill, and adherence to judge their work credential.

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